Thirst Project
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The Facts
Because of the cleanliness of groundwater, Thirst Project drills wells to obtain access to groundwater!
When Thirst Project builds a well, disease rates can drop 88% virtually overnight!
A well allows children to get a good education and women to get a job!
Thirst Project wells are made with simple technology made to last at least 40 years; more if well maintained!
Drilling Wells
Groundwater is naturally safe from parasites and bacteria that contaminate open, above ground sources. Because of this and the large quantity of groundwater, it is the easy decision of Thirst Project to install long-lasting wells made with simple technology. They can easily last 40 years and are capable of lasting many more as long as the residents of the developing community maintain the well as they are taught to during installation! Here is a depiction of how Thirst Project's wells are installed:
The solution to... everything!
Thirst Project wells literally change everything for the developing village they are added to!
Women are able to get jobs and provide for their needing families instead of spending 6-8 hours a day walking to the nearest dirty water source.
Children can get an education when they don't have to spend many hours retrieving water.
Developing countries must satisfy the basic need with simple technology like Thirst Project wells. When wells are installed, communities are able to satisfy basic water, food, and health needs, along with providing a larger workforce who can improve infrastructure to permanently establish these needs long term.
And so much more!! Learn how Thirst Project wells satisfy every Sustainable Development Goal in our new page COMING SOON.
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Title: Thirst Project
Author: Bryce McHose
Date of publication: 11/30/2020
Last edited: 10/29/2022
City of publication: Williamsburg, VA
Publisher / Website Name / Group Name: Williamsburg Area Thirst Project
URL / Web Address:
Last fact-checked on 10/29/2022.